Wanted to share a few more pictures of the show held Aug 21st, can't wait to do it all again next year!
Becca & twin sis Jen taking pics of Martha's booth
My helper Hannah, making sure everyone entered the drawing for the fab gift basket(sorry picture's a little fuzzy)
I'm a little embarrassed to post this pic of my dad Bill hamming it up, but he's such a goof ball and does not act his age (81). The beer was after the show by the way & he probably only finished 1/2 of it, as usual.
He was my star car parker, if you met him, he most likely talked your leg off. I just love him to death!!
My wonderful momma Carol,
she's put up with my dad for 61 years, if you can believe it.
Jackie (Dani's) work'n hard
This sweet couple are Gayla & Paul (Simply Cottage)
Paul was very busy "supervising" the booth set up.
Joy does hair now, who knew?!
Larena (Valentine Creek Farm)
Julie's friend & helper Patty (Vintage Touch)
Shannon & Maryanne (Marnie Marie) with Lisa..
The pictures below are by Jen, as you can see, they are much better than mine!

Do ask me about the Vintage Halloween Boo-tique! Sat, Oct 2nd.
See the Vintage Trifles blog for more info.
Carol & Patty in some deep conversation....
Carol Curtis Quilts
Rusty Rabbit (Guinne)

Molly Mo's
Vintage Trifles (Martha)

Shabby To Chic Designs

Valentine Creek FarmI'd like to again thank all the great vendors who helped make this show a success and to those of you who came to shop your heart out, we love you!
Gorgeous photos! So many lovely things! Looks like a wonderful show!
So pretty! I hope to see you again at the funky junk show in puyallup wa..I am going to be a vendor this time.. I bought the pretty trim from you !