Sarah Voss of Roost Reimagined is a very sweet young lady and a first time vendor at my show. I am so impressed with Sarah's carefree, elegant style. Sarah started a monthly barn sale this spring in Aumsville that is so darn cute, you just have to go! She has such a knack for display, and is a wonderful cook also - she used to own her own catering business, such talent for such a young'n!!

The Roost Reimagined barn sale is this weekend, starts tonight 4pm - 9pm with a special customer appreciation sale, everything is 20% off (Friday only)!

The antique faire is only 8 days away! I'm busy getting everything in place, driving my
family crazy and not cooking dinner, oh well, there's always Taco Bell right?
family crazy and not cooking dinner, oh well, there's always Taco Bell right?
Molly Mo's Antique Faire August 21st 8am - 4pm
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