Lindsey (The Farrier's Daughter) sister taking a break in her pink petticoat, these girls and their Petticoat Saloon were so much fun! |
I've recovered (mostly) from the best show I think so far in Molly Mo's six year history! A huge
thank you to all our customers and friends who turned out in huge numbers to shop, visit, eat and enjoy a beautiful summer day.
I will be posting more pics soon, Jen has again taken awesome shots and is still editing, stay tuned!
Pam brought several of these gorgeous bouquets from her garden to give to vendors, she also donated all the hay bales. Thanks again Pam, we love you! |
I also want to thank the most talented, caring and friendly vendors a girl could ask for - you guys really are the best! Just to illustrate what a great group this is; one of our new vendor's had set up Friday before the show, now our little place out here we lovingly refer to as "tornado alley of Sublimity" due to the winds that come up in the afternoon on a hot day. Well, these gals had their booth just adorable and then the worst happened - the canopy collapsed!! My husband and I were gone putting signs up but several other vendors pitched in to help them out. The girls were able to get another canopy and the end result was even better than the original set up!
This show would not be successful without these folks and I am so blessed to have them not only as vendors, but more importantly, as friends.
My friend Gloria enjoying her Cowgirl Canteen.... |
Photo courtesy of Tresa Collins |
This little gal in her pink cowboy boots and pigtails is the perfect Molly Mo's shopper, just stink'n cute! |
Love ya girl! It was a good time! ;)