I was so fortunate to have Elf Patty help me on Monday get a ton of things ready for the upcoming show this weekend. I don't usually have anyone help me get ready for shows (I'm a little of a control freak I guess!)

Patty strung all the crystals on this chandelier, it took a very long time but is absolutely gorgeous!!
The pictures do not do it justice, much prettier in person.

Having someone there to boss around was kinda weird - not the bossing around part because I'm really good at that with my own family but the helping part. What a treat! Thank you again Patty!!

It's so exciting to see everything come together and look so, well, Christmasy! Only 3 more days, a little scary but it will all come together and be fabulous, I promise!

I decided I needed another table top
size, white, Christmas tree for all the ornaments we'll have for sale. Patty and I went out to hunt for one without any luck but I finally found one at Michael's. You would think a white tree would be easy to find these days but they were all traditional green and just not the look I was after.

Do these stores not know how cool a white tree is? Do they not "get it", guess not. Anyway, Patty did manage to find a festive hat at Lowe's which you'll see below, very appropriate for an elf!

The perfect elf hat.....

I love vintage 1950's Santa's

Our show starts this Friday, Nov 6th for early shopping 5-8pm
$5 admission which includes nibbles, wine and coffee

Nov 7th is free admission 8am - 4pm with light refreshments


  1. Sorry I missed you on Sunday... but I won't miss YOUR show! ;) Really looking forward to it!

  2. I hope I can get down there, I am going to try.


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